Paying your utility bill is faster and easier than ever! An online account must be created to get started, you will need your account number and last name on the utility account.

Create Online Account Here

  1. Click on Pay Online
  2. Enter your email address and password
  3. Click login
  4. Follow prompts to complete the transaction

Click here to Pay Utility Bill Online

  1. Click on Pay Online
  2. Enter your username and password provided on account activation
  3. Click login
  4. Under the billing tab, click make a payment to complete the transaction

We also provide a drive-thru window or drop box in the drive-thru to conveniently make your payment. You can also mail your payments to PO Box 350, Blakely, Georgia 39823. Utility Bills are due by 5:00 pm on the 10th and 20th.  Payments dropped in the drop box after 5:00 pm on those dates are considered late and will be accessed the applicable late fees.

If you have questions regarding your bill or online bill pay, call City Hall at 229-723-3677, Monday-Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm or email